
Marketing Canvas - Define your financial hypothesis

Marketing Canvas - Define your financial hypothesis

When working with the Marketing Canvas, It is important to formulate your financial goal(s) as an hypothesis (Step 2). The assessment that will be done afterwards (Step 3) is measuring your ability to reach this goal without changing your current strategy. It is therefore highly important that you clarify your hypotheses

Marketing Canvas - Moments

Marketing Canvas - Moments

This article offers an in-depth exploration of 'Moments' in the marketing journey - crucial touchpoints that define customers' interactions with your business. From discovering your product to post-purchase stages, these Moments shape customer perception and engagement. We delve into how to identify and understand these Moments, employing strategies like Google's SEE-THINK-DO-CARE framework. The piece also covers evaluation methods for your Moments strategy, offering a scoring system that helps businesses pinpoint areas of improvement. Through a real-world example, it illustrates how this concept can be applied practically, fostering effective, empathetic marketing strategies. This article is a must-read for marketers, entrepreneurs, and anyone eager to enhance their customer experience and overall business success.

Marketing Canvas - Proofs

Marketing Canvas - Proofs

In this comprehensive guide, we explore the concept of "proofs" in marketing - the crucial elements that make your value proposition compelling and credible. We delve into various types of proofs such as studies, expert recognition, social proof, and certifications, demonstrating how each contributes to a solid marketing strategy. To illustrate this concept, we look at a real-world example of a company that successfully utilized proofs. The guide also includes a unique framework for evaluating and improving your proofs, helping you fine-tune your marketing strategy. Whether you're a seasoned marketer or an entrepreneur starting your marketing journey, this guide provides practical insights that can enhance your marketing effectiveness.

Marketing Canvas - Pricing

Marketing Canvas - Pricing

Discover how to effectively leverage the PRICING dimension in your Marketing Canvas strategy. This guide simplifies this complex topic, providing examples, tips, and a step-by-step approach to enhance your marketing success.