
Marketing Canvas - Budget

Marketing Canvas - Budget

Discover the importance of a well-structured marketing budget in our comprehensive guide. We delve into the critical role of budgeting within the Marketing Canvas method by Laurent Bouty. Learn how to track and manage marketing expenses, whether you're a multinational corporation or a budding startup. Understand the significance of budgeting in terms of industry benchmarks, and discover strategies to spend wisely. Our guide offers practical tools to translate your budget into action, from understanding your audience to tracking expenses effectively. Moreover, learn to evaluate and improve your budgeting practices with our score-based self-assessment. Lastly, get inspired by a real-life example of green clean use case. Whether you're a marketing novice or an entrepreneur seeking new insights, this article offers an essential exploration of the powerful tool that is your marketing budget.

Marketing Canvas - Lifetime

Marketing Canvas - Lifetime

The Marketing Canvas is a framework that identifies 6 main categories for building a marketing strategy: Customers, Brand, Value Proposition, Journey, Conversation, and Metrics. Lifetime is one of the 4 dimensions of the Metrics category, which is important for measuring customer retention. Customer churn rate, which measures the percentage of customers who discontinue using a company's product or service, is a critical metric for companies to monitor.

Marketing Canvas - ARPU

Marketing Canvas - ARPU

This comprehensive guide delves into the significance of Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) as a potent metric in business success. Through this exploration, businesses can better understand how much revenue they generate per user and how they stack up against industry competitors. The article not only explains how to calculate and evaluate ARPU but also provides practical strategies to leverage it for sustainable growth. This includes segmenting customer bases, forecasting revenues, and even assessing the effectiveness of various growth strategies like upselling or price optimization. To illustrate the concepts, the article incorporates a real-world case study from the green cleaning industry. Whether you're an entrepreneur, marketer, or non-marketer interested in business strategy, this guide equips you with the knowledge and tools to transform ARPU from a simple number into actionable business insights.

Marketing Canvas - Acquisition

Marketing Canvas - Acquisition

This article dives deep into the intricacies of Customer Acquisition, a critical aspect of any marketing strategy. It defines key performance indicators - Customer Acquisition Rate (CAR) and Cost of Customer Acquisition (COCA or CAC), and elucidates their relevance and calculation methods. The importance of measuring these metrics is brought to life using practical examples and industry insights. The piece further delves into the arsenal of tools available for customer acquisition, and how these can be effectively harnessed to drive growth. From there, we outline how to turn acquisition strategies into action, evaluate their performance, and make necessary improvements. Through the lens of a real-world 'Green Clean' use case, we demonstrate the practical application of these principles. An essential read for entrepreneurs and marketers aspiring to master the art of customer acquisition.

Marketing Canvas - Media

Marketing Canvas - Media

This comprehensive guide delves deep into the role of media in marketing, helping entrepreneurs and marketers, novice or experienced, understand the subtleties of different media channels and how they can be leveraged for success. We explore Owned, Earned, Shared, and Paid media, providing examples and practical tips for each. This guide also outlines how to translate these theories into effective actions and offers a scoring system for evaluating your current media strategy. It covers potential reasons behind scores and offers insights for strategic improvement. The article concludes with a case study from Green Clean to illustrate how a well-executed media strategy can propel a business forward. This guide serves as an essential read for anyone looking to harness the power of media in their marketing strategy.

Marketing Canvas - Content and Stories

Marketing Canvas - Content and Stories

This article offers an extensive guide on how to harness the power of content and stories in your marketing strategy, following the renowned Marketing Canvas framework by Laurent Bouty. From understanding the significance of content in attracting and retaining customers, to choosing the right tools, and translating your content into actions - the article comprehensively covers it all. It further discusses how to evaluate and continuously improve your content and stories, ensuring they reflect your organization's goals and meet users' needs. Lastly, the article provides a practical use-case example to illustrate the application of these concepts. Whether you're a non-marketer, an entrepreneur, or a marketer seeking fresh insights, this article offers valuable knowledge and actionable strategies to elevate your marketing efforts.

Marketing Canvas, some tips about the process

Canvas works really well if:

  1. Start with a clear ambition, S.M.A.R.T. and linked with the finance. One of the usual mistake when doing a marketing strategy exercise is to not properly link the marketing actions with the financial consequences. In the Marketing Canvas exercise, we genuinely start from the financial ambition for addressing this issue. This ambition is about growth and thus the canvas is about growth hacking your marketing strategy.
  2. Start with a clear persona representing a customer cluster sharing the same Job To Be Done (problem to be solved by your offer). It could happen that you can't achieve your ambition with your current persona/segment (in classical strategy, it corresponds to a cash cow or a future dog). If it is the case you should consider another segment with another job to be done.
  3. Assess the current situation of your marketing mix by asking the 28 questions as defined in the canvas. Define clearly if each dimension TODAY is helping you to achieve your ambition (it is an accelerator) or is not (then we define this dimension as a brake). Do this exercise in team as it will create a shared understanding of the situation and support your answers with facts. 
  4. Backward thinking is a very powerful way of finding solutions to any problem. In this process, try to visualise/imagine how dimension(s) defined as BRAKES would look like if they would help you with your ambition. What is different? Could you describe it? Does it really help with your ambition? If yes, then you have one idea of potential solutions. Find as many ideas as possible.
  5. Having generated plenty of ideas (some could even be yellow ideas aka impossible ideas), you should prioritise it in order to finalise your preferred vision of this future where your ambition is achieved. What are the actions you should do to transform this future into a reality: Start Doing, Stop Doing, Do More, Do Less, Simplify, Magnify? Brainstorm as a team and list all actions.
  6. You now have identified all actions for building your future but you have to organise it into a comprehensive and feasible roadmap. Some actions are low hanging fruits while others require more time and effort. One way to do this is to use these 2 criteria: contribution to the ambition and effort. Congratulations, you now have a roadmap and a marketing strategy.


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